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Are You Ready to Eliminate

Your Shoulder Pain Forever? 

100% of the patients we can help will FEEL BETTER INSTANTLY!
You will leave day one knowing without a doubt whether or not we can help you!

New Patient Evaluation

ONLY $49
($250 Value)

Limited Time Offer!

Shoulder Pain Relief

Shoulder pain makes activities like getting dressed, lifting objects, or doing your hair difficult. The pain is enough to possibly keep you up at night, ruining your sleep and your mood.

If you experience shoulder pain, you should look into treating it ASAP, as if it is left untreated, bone spurs and arthritis can occur. Shoulder pain symptoms our program treats include: 

  • Poor range of motion

  • Shoulder "catches" when moving your arms

  • Numbness

  • Tingling

  • Stiffness

  • Pain

Before Treatment

After Treatment

Offer includes...

✅  New Patient Consultation

✅  Comprehensive Examination

✅  1 Full Set of Digital X-Rays

✅  Be Seen today!


Yes. I'm interested. 
Enter your name, email & phone number to continue.

*Insurance and medicare regulations may apply.

Shoulder Pain Review from Sexton Chiropractic

Chiropractor Des Moines


(515) 287-3993

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